Resources for Dysgraphia
According to Understood:
“Dysgraphia refers to a challenge with writing.
It impacts skills like handwriting, typing, and spelling.
There are many ways people with dysgraphia can improve their writing skills.”
“Between 10% and 30% of children experience difficulty in writing, although the exact prevalence depends on the definition of dysgraphia”
From Reading Rockets
“What is Dysgraphia?”
What are the warning signs of dysgraphia?
Just having bad handwriting doesn’t mean a person has dysgraphia. Since dysgraphia is a processing disorder, difficulties can change throughout a lifetime. However since writing is a developmental process -children learn the motor skills needed to write, while learning the thinking skills needed to communicate on paper - difficulties can also overlap.
If a person has trouble in any of the areas below, additional help may be beneficial.
Tight, awkward pencil grip and body position
Illegible handwriting
Avoiding writing or drawing tasks
Tiring quickly while writing
Saying words out loud while writing
Unfinished or omitted words in sentences
Difficulty organizing thoughts on paper
Difficulty with syntax structure and grammar
Large gap between written ideas and understanding demonstrated through speech.
Helpful Links -
International Dyslexia Association -
Chung et al. (2020),reason%20for%20occupational%20therapy%20consultation.