Provider Directory & Lists

Are you looking for a tutor, education testing, counselors, or an advocate?

We know how hard it is to find providers.

DCKID does not review providers for their credentials or efficacy, but we do provide a space to share names or recommendations for resources.

Please! Do your own research to find if they are a good fit for your student’s needs.

International Dyslexia Association Fact Sheet on Evaluating Professionals is a great place to start.


DCKID Provider Directory

Douglas County Kids Identified with Dyslexia provides a list of local tutors, advocates, and diagnosticians. We do not evaluate or recommend providers.

Providers, visit the link and fill out our form to be added to the directory.

IDA-RMB Referral List

Rocky Mountain Branch of the IDA states that each person, business, or special school has been vetted by IDA-RMB organization and has been deemed to be “highly qualified” to provide the services listed in their entry.

IDA Provider Directory

International Dyslexia Association’s Provider Directory is a list of professional, educational, and corporate members who have agreed to be a point of contact and referral source for various professional services, for example, evaluation, therapy, advocacy, and tutoring.

While IDA does not recommend or endorse any individual, business, school, or program, the following list of providers is available to help inform parents, advocates, and other stakeholders seeking professional services.


IEPs and 504s


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